“But You Don’t Look Sick”

“But you don’t look sick…”

These words echo through my life, constantly reminding me of the invisible battle raging within me. At 33, I’ve grown up my whole life with an autoimmune condition since I was diagnosed with Lupus at the young age of 11. While I may not “look sick”, the truth is I often FEEL sick.

And it’s not even just the symptoms that I feel. Sure, I get fatigue, joint/muscle pain, weakness, chest pain, shortness of breath, all of the above. But I also feel the pressures of trying to keep up with friends my age. I feel the stress of keeping up with other moms, so my kids don’t feel like they have a “sick mom”. I feel the weight of the illness pressing down on me in all areas of my life.

Growing up with Lupus, it felt normal to always have to take medication on a daily basis. My parents came here from the Philippines and as typical immigrants, our culture viewed Western medicine as a privilege – so we just had to take advantage of it. People in the Philippines don’t have the same access to a regular health care system. There’s no going to the doctor for annual check ups, being prescribed daily medications for illnesses, or even regular access to hospitals in case of emergencies. So, it’s easy to understand why I was raised with the thought that if we have access to medication…something that’s supposed to help cure me, then I’m supposed to take it. No questions asked.

But, as I got older and entered my spiritual journey in my late 20’s, I began to question things. I started seeking a deeper understanding of the root cause of my dis-ease.

That’s where Reiki steps in.

They say you don’t seek Reiki; it finds you when you need it most…and that’s exactly what happened. My sister actually introduced me to Reiki. One of my sisters wanted to take a Reiki class and naturally, she invited me and our other sister to take part in the class with her. I was honestly just down to spend some quality time with my sisters. I didn’t know that this was going to be life changing for me.

As I discovered this realm of energy healing for myself, it was like I found gold! While prescription medications offer some sense of relief for my condition, it really is just a band aid and a temporary fix. Reiki actually goes in DEEP addressing the underlying imbalances driving my symptoms.

Now, I want to make it clear. I am not against Western medicine. It’s a beautiful tool that we have within arms reach in today’s world. And, don’t get me wrong, I still take prescription meds daily for my Lupus, but as I navigate through my “invisible illness”, understanding the root cause of my dis-ease is even more important.

Reiki energy flows through my body, revealing the origin of my condition and allows my body to recognize it, so I can begin to self-heal. You see – it all starts inside. What inner traumas do I have that caused this dis-ease to appear? What experiences or memories have I buried so deep inside of me that it manifested in the form of Lupus? This creates stuck energy, which in turn causes physical ailments within the body. THAT is what Reiki heals. It started to clear my body of all of that stuck energy, releasing these emotions that I have buried within myself. It gets to the root cause so I can rediscover these things about myself and truly heal from the ground up.

Reiki unveils these layers, guiding me on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Like an onion, it peels back the layers of suppression, inviting me to confront and reconcile with these inner traumas that I’ve locked away all of these years. By addressing the root cause, Reiki empowers my body to recognize and initiate its natural ability to self-heal.

It’s a process of transformation from the inside out – a journey of rediscovering and reclaiming my own health. With Reiki, I’m not just managing my symptoms anymore; I’m taking control of my health, one energy shift at a time.

On World Lupus Day, I’m sharing my journey to show how Reiki can truly make a difference. It’s not just about seeing beyond the surface; it’s about digging deeper to embrace holistic healing. With Reiki, I’ve discovered more than just relief – I’ve gained the strength to navigate my path to wellness.

If you or someone you know would love to experience the power of Reiki, I invite you to book a session and experience it for yourself.

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